Hi, my name is Karisse Khoo

I am a Full-stack Developer with experience in MERN stack.

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About Me

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Hello! I'm an Information Systems (IS) undergraduate at Singapore Management University who found my passion for developing applications that can provide utility to people while working as a Web Developer for my first internship during my Polytechnic days.

Knowledge is wealth. As an independent learner, I read an abundant of tech articles hence I've also started my own tech blog so like-minded individuals can learn more too. You can read all about it here!

Started off as a web developer who builds interactive webpages using HTML, JavaScript and S(CSS). Currently, picking up ReactJS as my frontend framework, Express.js as my backend framework to build APIs and MongoDB for database. Through the 5 years of coding experience, I began to become a strong advocate for clean codes for code maintainability.

Love a good TV series with strong character development. Also, pretty much a dog-lover.


Favourite Projects

Hotel Booking Platform - Collaboration with Ascenda

April 2021

#python #flask #dynamoDB #AWS #reactJS #redis

Hotel Lobang aggregates hotel prices from multiple suppliers for end users to book their stay. Through this project, I've gained a better understanding of how performance and availability of a web application can be improved with AWS services. It's one of the projects that I'm proud of as I had to think out-of-the-box to design and implement an aggregator that could provide performance and accurate hotel prices results. Redis cache played a pivotal role in my design and I'm happy that it worked out as I expected!

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Hotel Booking Platform - Collaboration with Ascenda

Beneficiary Engagement Platform - Collaboration with Social Health Growth

May 2021

#reactJS #python #AWS #RDS #neo4j #materialUI #docker

The Beneficiary Engagement Platform helps SHG to digitize and conduct their day-to-day business operations more efficiently and effectively through automation. This was one of the projects that I've learnt aplenty from as we were challenged to think from various perspective such as business, technology and end users. Eventually, we developed a job matching algorithm that considers skills, job preferences and work availability to help beneficiaries attain suitable jobs. A skills management dashboard can also be utilised to identify skill gaps.

Beneficiary Engagement Platform - Collaboration with Social Health Growth

Building a CI/CD Pipeline

June 2021

#GithubActions #docker #AWSECS #AWSECR #Node.js

During my internship at TruffleTechnologies as a Software Developer in 2021, I was given the opportunity to build a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions to deploy their application more efficiently. It was no easy feat as there were so many considerations to take into account especially cost! But I've learnt aplenty from working on this project.

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Building a CI/CD Pipeline

Honourable Mentions

Final Year Project for The Straits Times - Yestercentury

Final Year Project for The Straits Times - Yestercentury

March 2018

#javascript #scss #html #firebase

Yestercentury encapsulates the past and present of Singapore. Readers can explore the heritage of Singapore, upload their own images, interact with one another through comments and also bookmark their favourite place! Firebase was the main platform used to host the website and store data.

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World Cup VR Penalty Kick

World Cup VR Penalty Kick

June 2018

#javascript #webgl #html #scss

Using WebGL to provide a virtual reality experience, players get to immerse themselves into the atmosphere of FIFA World Cup. They get to bring a team to glory and see how they fare among other players! This is really not an easy feat and I'm thankful for the help and guidance from the senior developers to make this project work.

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Internet of Trays - Collaboration with NEA

Internet of Trays - Collaboration with NEA

November 2020

#IoT #javascript #heroku #mongoDB #webpack

Internet of Trays determines the tray return rate of a hawker center by deploying IoT sensors on-site. It was my virgin experience with IoT devices and there was definitely many things to learn. We played around with raspberryPI, motion, infrared and round force sensors to collect tray return data and visualize aggregated data in charts.

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